C-Reactive Vitamin
Because of the vitamin C in bananas, the body is able to make cytokines, which are proteins that control immune responses and signaling. Researchers have shown that this essential nutrient may offer some protection against specific diseases when taken in larger doses.
B6 vitamin
Bananas are a great way to get the vitamin B6 your body needs. A medium banana has 0.4 milligrams of vitamin B6, which is 25% of the daily required amount. Pectin and resistant starch, which are both found in bananas, prevent the small intestine from digesting them but ultimately provide nourishment for good bacteria in your stomach.
Bananas are a great way to get the potassium you need, which is a mineral that helps your body function at its best. The heart rate, the strength of muscular contractions, and blood pressure are all influenced by it.
Elemental magnesium
Along with potassium, bananas are a great food choice because of the high magnesium content. Mineral intake recommendations for both sexes are more than doubled by just one medium banana, which contains 32 milligrams.For proper neuron and muscle function, heart health, protein synthesis, and bone formation, magnesium is an important mineral.