Could eating eggs help you lose weight?  


Eggs are a great way to get the protein you need, which is a macronutrient that helps keep your muscles and bones strong and your immune system strong. You can lose weight by consuming fewer calories and feeling fuller for longer when you eat foods that are high in protein.

Extra fat

Essential to a healthy diet is the fat that eggs contain, specifically monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. They do more than just make you feel full; they also regulate your hunger and provide you energy. They keep your blood sugar steady, which means you won’t get hungry for sugary snacks later on.

Number of calories

Eggs can aid in weight loss due to their low calorie content. Two eggs in a 74-calorie meal are a great source of high-quality protein and may help you feel full for longer.

Elements and Nutrients

Minerals and vitamins can be found in egg yolks. Folic acid, zinc, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin B12 are all abundant in a large egg. Eating eggs first thing in the morning may help you control your hunger and eat less calories overall, according to the research. Even if eating only eggs is certainly doable, it might not be the best option. Instead, make an effort to live a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, managing your hunger, and maintaining a positive outlook.

Author: kyawgyi