How can we deal with depressive symptoms?  

First of all, you are not sad.

When you’re having a bad day at work, your significant other breaks up with you, or you’re grieving the death of a loved one, it’s normal to feel sad and low. Seek assistance without delay if you are experiencing depression. You might need the help of a doctor, a family member, or a religious leader.

2. You’re not despondent.

Feeling down after a breakup, loss, or other big life catastrophe is very normal. If the feelings don’t go away or start getting in the way of everyday life, depression sets very fast.If you are battling intense feelings of sadness, seek assistance in coping. You can stay on track and eventually feel less of an impact.

3. You’re feeling fine.

A dread of the unknown is a common cause of anxiety. You don’t worry about every little thing or try to guess what’s going to happen, but you do have a backup plan ready in case something unexpected happens. Learning to accept the reality that things won’t always work out the way you expect is a wise decision.

4. You’re feeling fine.

While it’s normal to feel tired every now and then, persistent exhaustion could be a sign of something more serious. It may be time to see a doctor if you’re experiencing extreme fatigue that won’t go away with sleep. Stress, a poor diet, or a medical condition are just a few of the many potential causes of fatigue. Thankfully, weariness is typically treatable if detected in its early stages.

5. Your temper isn’t short.

Although it’s common to feel irritated from time to time, symptoms that persist for months may point to a more significant issue. This could be a symptom of another mental health issue, such as anxiety or depression, so it’s best to get medical help if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms. Giving someone else coping mechanisms could be another way to help them deal with irritation. It may be as simple as suggesting they step away from whatever is making them angry right now.

6. You’re not upset.

While it’s normal to feel angry sometimes, when that anger becomes destructive and hard to manage, it could be a sign of a mental health problem. Get down to business or figure out a healthy way to vent your frustrations if someone else’s actions make you furious. However, it may be necessary to seek professional assistance for depression if the anger persists for an extended period following the triggering incident.

7. Do not get bored.

Although it’s not always the case, depression is frequently associated with boredom. Boredom is a symptom of several mental health conditions, including clinical depression, anxiety, and stress. When you find yourself in a rut and unable to escape the boredom, it’s time to try something new. It could be anything as simple as going for a walk or even attempting something you normally wouldn’t do.

8. You control your impulses.

Some impulsive actions are unavoidable. However, it’s important to seek help when it starts impacting your relationships or your ability to do ordinary duties normally. Your doctor may recommend medicine to help you manage impulsive behaviors if you have a mental health condition. When used in conjunction with therapy, they work best.

9. You aren’t detached.

One symptom of depression is a lack of interest in interacting with others. This occurs when they withdraw from their support system, stop communicating with others, and avoid social situations.Taking measures to avoid social withdrawal is crucial since it increases the risk to physical health.

10. You’re not belligerent.

When people feel threatened, their emotional response is aggression. As a result, aggressive behavior, both verbal and physical, may emerge. You should consult a medical professional if you suspect you may be experiencing mental health issues, as depression can take many forms.

Author: kyawgyi