What is the cause of restless legs in the elderly?

Transitions in the Heart Rate

The quality of sleep can be affected by changes in the circadian rhythm that older people may undergo. Because of this, they could have trouble falling asleep at night and feel exhausted all day long. An increase in the length of deep or slow-wave sleep (SWS) and a decrease in melatonin production. As a result, seniors may find it difficult to obtain adequate sleep.Insomnia and other sleep disorders may develop as a result of these alterations, since they are associated with less rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

Alterations in the body’s structure

As a result of physiological changes, such as a decline in melatonin production, many elderly people have trouble falling or staying asleep. Insomnia is a common sleep condition among the elderly. This disorder manifests itself when individuals experience difficulties with both getting to sleep and remaining asleep once they are in bed. REM behavior disorder (RBD) can also lead to issues with falling or staying asleep. RBD takes place during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is when you dream.Acting out one’s dreams is typical during this period of sleep. On the other hand, elderly people with RBD (reverse brain dysfunction) could unconsciously yell or move their bodies since the hormone that paralyzes muscles during REM sleep isn’t working correctly. Older people may have trouble sleeping and be more susceptible to various health problems if they have physical problems. Heart disease, stroke, cognitive decline, and other long-term disorders are more likely to affect them because of this.

Emotional Pressure

Everyone, no matter their age, will experience stress at some point. Although occasional stress is natural, serious or persistent stress can have negative effects on health and even cause depression. The inability to get a good night’s rest is a sad reality for many elderly people. There are things that seniors can do to alleviate stress. Some strategies for dealing with negative emotions include maintaining a daily journal and exercising regularly.

Author: kyawgyi